Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
Every day people ask themselves “If the law of attraction is true, why do bad things happen to good people?”
That question is a very good question and it is a very deep one. In my opinion, there is no simple answer for that question.
Whether we like it or not, no matter how positive we think and feel, there are things that happen in life that cause us grief. Whether it is a car accident, terminal illnesses such as cancer, or death of a loved one.
I won’t try to tell you that what I think is THE only answer…but it is what I personally think and my own personal values and belief system.
There are many teachers on the internet that are very good experts on the Law of Attraction. I am not saying that some of them are wrong, but what I am saying is that you won’t find one uniform way of believing and harnessing the law of attraction.
The law of attraction at the basic core, stays the same. Like attracts like. But beyond that, it is flexible and creative. It’s open to many different views and interpretations.
Keep that in mind when you read the following…..
Back to the initial question…Why do bad things happen to good people?
Everything in this entire Universe just Is. It takes a human being like you and me to decide whether something is “good” or “bad”. It takes you and me to say “ok this feels good!” or “this gives me pain!”.
But at the basic core, everything in this Universe just Is. Now that doesn’t really mean much when you’re going through some really painful things in life … but hear me out here….
There are different levels of consciousness to each person. There’s your every day normal waking consciousness…and then there are deeper levels. How many times have you changed your mind about something important? How many times have you said “I’m glad I didn’t do it that way cause I really didn’t want that” ?
That’s because another deeper level of you wanted something totally different than what you consciously wanted at that time. This is important, because deeper levels of you are attracting things that you may not consciously want.
Thinking positive and feeling positive for a few weeks or a few months may transform a great deal of things in your life, but there are varying degrees of attraction going on inside of you.
Some of those roots are deeper and therefore take a longer process to change. Using the law of attraction and practicing it to harness more of what you want is not a one time thing. It’s a lifestyle…a way of existing and being.
Now, this is not to say that it’s your fault that “bad” things happen to you…or that you find yourself in certain experiences that cause you pain. It’s nobody’s fault.
Let me say it again….IT’S NOBODY’S FAULT! But it IS your responsibility. There IS a difference.
Responsibility is a GOOD thing…it means POWER. It means You are no longer powerless over the events in your life. It means that whatever has been done to you can be UNDONE…and YOU can do it….by working with the law of attraction.
I recommend you going to the bottom of my blog and browsing through my books. The Law of attraction and mastering it will take all of your entire existence…in this life and the next, so it is vital that you take the time to read and study all you can on it.
Now that’s my take on it…. Feel free to take it and add your own twist to it
Until next time…..all the best to you!