Friday, June 15, 2007

Animals and the Law of Attraction

I've gotten a nice response from someone who was intrigued with my last blog comment about dogs having a sense of humor. Here's the reply on it

"Dear Dr. Valdez,

We have read your blog about the dog and the law of attraction. We do believe that animals have more sense than we give them credit for. Animals sometimes know more than we do because I believe they have a lot intuition.

Anyway I wanted to tell you about our pet, which we love dearly and which is a member of our family.
Every morning early Mrs."Nooni" wakes us up with her gentle little groans as she reminds us, that it is feeding time for her. She is standing on her two little hind legs pushing her big pot belly real close to the cage as she is ringing her little toy bell with all her strength . She is pulling on the string which she holds in her mouth.

Mrs.'Nooni" also has a temper, if we forget to check her water bottle as it has happened a few times, and the bottle is empty, she will with a little trick only she knows, through it to the floor and call us as loud as she can until we come to the rescue with some more water. That tells me that she is smart and understands exactly what she has got to do in order to get what she wants. I can distingiush about 5 different sounds, that each have a different meaning and being around her for some years I do know what she is telling me with the different sounds she can make.

Well have you guessed what my loving pet is? Well Mrs. Nooni is a guinea pig of a special kind and we love her dearly and we are convinced that she knows exactly that."

It seems that even guinea pigs have a sense of humor. My personal theory is that animals probably know how to harness the law of attraction much more than we humans do. Of course we all know it deep down inside, but because of our reasoning, logical, and critical thinking abilities, we let our "reasoning" get in the way of our original nature when it comes to the Law of attraction.

There's a lot to learn...Cheers :)
