Does your puppy or your dog ever make you laugh? Does he even know that he’s a funny dog? And here’s something even weirder….does your dog think things are funny?
If you’ve watched funniest home videos you know there are countless of cases where animals do hilarious things. Humorous behavior is often repeated because of the positive feedback your pet gets.
But there may be evidence that dogs are a little smarter than that. Just like some people enjoy making others laugh, like comedians for example, some dogs also enjoy making people laugh.
Stanley Coren, a published author, says that his dog Flint usually tries to amuse his guests. He said that Flint would hang around guests, hoping to get a table scrap. When Stankley’s wife, Karen, shooed the dog away, the dog would obediently leave, only to return with one of her undergarments in his mouth. Stanley Coren writes “Evading capture, he proceeded to flagrantly snap it from side to side with great joy – to the amusement of the company and the dismay of my wife.”
Did the dog know he was being funny? Pretty hard to say, but one thing you can say for sure, the dog did get a kick out of whatever he was doing. LOL
I think that dogs, cats, and any other animal can sense and feel the vibration of well being when, we humans laugh. Laughing is a vibration of well being, of joy, of happiness. It’s impossible to be sad, angry, or feel down if you’re really laughing.
In my opinion, pets can be a great help in harnessing the Law of Attraction to bring you more joy in your life. You don’t have to always do complicated meditation exercises, say countless affirmations, or visualize a bunch of pictures on a vision board to manifest and attract joy and happiness. Although, those things are excellent tools, sometimes just petting your cat, or cuddling with your dog is just as good as anything.
Law of attraction is about LOVE. Love manifests in many forms, and laughing is one of them.
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