In Palatine Illinois, a mother of two children doesn’t have to turn on the news to get an update on NASA’s space missions. Nope. All she does is just flip on her baby monitor. That’s right…can you believe it? Since last Sunday, Natalie Meilinger’s baby monitor has been picking up video from inside the Atlantis space shuttle!!
If you’ve ever used a baby monitor, you know what you’ll see on it right? Can you imagine seeing the inside of a space shuttle??? Live video footage of the mission is available on NASA’s website, so there’s no top secret video footage that this mother of two is seeing, but it’s still very interesting.
Of course when this lady told her co-workers of what she’s seeing, they did not believe her. They probably thought she was losing it and felt like she needed more rest…but boy did she silence their doubts when she brought the monitor in showing the video! Of course her two babies still don’t quite understand what all the fuss is about… LOL…
This reminds me to remember that you just never know where information can come to you…and what kind of information. I mean really – what would a baby monitor have in common with the inside of a NASA space shuttle? Part of the teaching of the Law of Attraction is to be aware…to become consciously aware each day more and more of the answers around you to the things that you want.
Now of course I am not saying for you to go out and buy a baby monitor or watch footage of NASA’s space shuttle, but what I am saying is that things can come to you in unexpected ways. These kinds of miracles happen every day.
All the best to you!
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