Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Secret of productivity

Dr. Joe Vitale

I've had a huge change in my online marketing and copywriting career. As many of you know, I own and run several web sites and web businesses on the Internet. I also help others build their business. Just a short while ago, I approached Dr. Joe Vitale, one of the stars and teachers of "The Secret" Movie about writing for him. I had always been a big fan of his, even before he was on "The Secret".

He told me about his latest Secret of Productivity. The information really hit home. You know we go around telling ourselves "you need to do this" or "you should do that" or "you could have done that there"....but those reasons never work right? So how is it that some people can take this massive action and seem to really succeed effortlessly, while it is so hard for many people to even get one little crumb of the pie?

Dr. Joe Vitale reveals it on his Secret Of Productivity DVD's. It has nothing to do with reason or logic, and everything to do with feelings...yep..sound crazy don't it?

But how many times have you started a Monday morning wishing it was the weekend again and time dragged on, work was just stressing you...but how many times was it 30 minutes before time to go home on a Friday, and you knew you had the next 3 days off? How did you feel and what did you?

Feeling is what is making all these people take massive action!
Go here now! You owe it to yourself to check it out even if you've never thought about it before...

Friday, June 15, 2007

Animals and the Law of Attraction

I've gotten a nice response from someone who was intrigued with my last blog comment about dogs having a sense of humor. Here's the reply on it

"Dear Dr. Valdez,

We have read your blog about the dog and the law of attraction. We do believe that animals have more sense than we give them credit for. Animals sometimes know more than we do because I believe they have a lot intuition.

Anyway I wanted to tell you about our pet, which we love dearly and which is a member of our family.
Every morning early Mrs."Nooni" wakes us up with her gentle little groans as she reminds us, that it is feeding time for her. She is standing on her two little hind legs pushing her big pot belly real close to the cage as she is ringing her little toy bell with all her strength . She is pulling on the string which she holds in her mouth.

Mrs.'Nooni" also has a temper, if we forget to check her water bottle as it has happened a few times, and the bottle is empty, she will with a little trick only she knows, through it to the floor and call us as loud as she can until we come to the rescue with some more water. That tells me that she is smart and understands exactly what she has got to do in order to get what she wants. I can distingiush about 5 different sounds, that each have a different meaning and being around her for some years I do know what she is telling me with the different sounds she can make.

Well have you guessed what my loving pet is? Well Mrs. Nooni is a guinea pig of a special kind and we love her dearly and we are convinced that she knows exactly that."

It seems that even guinea pigs have a sense of humor. My personal theory is that animals probably know how to harness the law of attraction much more than we humans do. Of course we all know it deep down inside, but because of our reasoning, logical, and critical thinking abilities, we let our "reasoning" get in the way of our original nature when it comes to the Law of attraction.

There's a lot to learn...Cheers :)


Does Your Dog Have A Sense OF Humor?

Funny Dog

Does your puppy or your dog ever make you laugh? Does he even know that he’s a funny dog? And here’s something even weirder….does your dog think things are funny?

If you’ve watched funniest home videos you know there are countless of cases where animals do hilarious things. Humorous behavior is often repeated because of the positive feedback your pet gets.

But there may be evidence that dogs are a little smarter than that. Just like some people enjoy making others laugh, like comedians for example, some dogs also enjoy making people laugh.

Stanley Coren, a published author, says that his dog Flint usually tries to amuse his guests. He said that Flint would hang around guests, hoping to get a table scrap. When Stankley’s wife, Karen, shooed the dog away, the dog would obediently leave, only to return with one of her undergarments in his mouth. Stanley Coren writes “Evading capture, he proceeded to flagrantly snap it from side to side with great joy – to the amusement of the company and the dismay of my wife.”

Did the dog know he was being funny? Pretty hard to say, but one thing you can say for sure, the dog did get a kick out of whatever he was doing. LOL

I think that dogs, cats, and any other animal can sense and feel the vibration of well being when, we humans laugh. Laughing is a vibration of well being, of joy, of happiness. It’s impossible to be sad, angry, or feel down if you’re really laughing.

In my opinion, pets can be a great help in harnessing the Law of Attraction to bring you more joy in your life. You don’t have to always do complicated meditation exercises, say countless affirmations, or visualize a bunch of pictures on a vision board to manifest and attract joy and happiness. Although, those things are excellent tools, sometimes just petting your cat, or cuddling with your dog is just as good as anything.

Law of attraction is about LOVE. Love manifests in many forms, and laughing is one of them.

Law Of Attraction Site
High IQ University
Enigmatic Genius Society
Enigmatic High IQ Society

Thursday, June 14, 2007

What Does A Baby Moniitor And NASA Space Shuttle Have In Common?

In Palatine Illinois, a mother of two children doesn’t have to turn on the news to get an update on NASA’s space missions. Nope. All she does is just flip on her baby monitor. That’s right…can you believe it? Since last Sunday, Natalie Meilinger’s baby monitor has been picking up video from inside the Atlantis space shuttle!!

If you’ve ever used a baby monitor, you know what you’ll see on it right? Can you imagine seeing the inside of a space shuttle??? Live video footage of the mission is available on NASA’s website, so there’s no top secret video footage that this mother of two is seeing, but it’s still very interesting.

Of course when this lady told her co-workers of what she’s seeing, they did not believe her. They probably thought she was losing it and felt like she needed more rest…but boy did she silence their doubts when she brought the monitor in showing the video! Of course her two babies still don’t quite understand what all the fuss is about… LOL…

This reminds me to remember that you just never know where information can come to you…and what kind of information. I mean really – what would a baby monitor have in common with the inside of a NASA space shuttle? Part of the teaching of the Law of Attraction is to be aware…to become consciously aware each day more and more of the answers around you to the things that you want.

Now of course I am not saying for you to go out and buy a baby monitor or watch footage of NASA’s space shuttle, but what I am saying is that things can come to you in unexpected ways. These kinds of miracles happen every day.

All the best to you!


Attract Health, Wealth, And Love Effortlessly

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Every day people ask themselves “If the law of attraction is true, why do bad things happen to good people?”

That question is a very good question and it is a very deep one. In my opinion, there is no simple answer for that question.

Whether we like it or not, no matter how positive we think and feel, there are things that happen in life that cause us grief. Whether it is a car accident, terminal illnesses such as cancer, or death of a loved one.

I won’t try to tell you that what I think is THE only answer…but it is what I personally think and my own personal values and belief system.

There are many teachers on the internet that are very good experts on the Law of Attraction. I am not saying that some of them are wrong, but what I am saying is that you won’t find one uniform way of believing and harnessing the law of attraction.

The law of attraction at the basic core, stays the same. Like attracts like. But beyond that, it is flexible and creative. It’s open to many different views and interpretations.

Keep that in mind when you read the following…..

Back to the initial question…Why do bad things happen to good people?

Everything in this entire Universe just Is. It takes a human being like you and me to decide whether something is “good” or “bad”. It takes you and me to say “ok this feels good!” or “this gives me pain!”.

But at the basic core, everything in this Universe just Is. Now that doesn’t really mean much when you’re going through some really painful things in life … but hear me out here….

There are different levels of consciousness to each person. There’s your every day normal waking consciousness…and then there are deeper levels. How many times have you changed your mind about something important? How many times have you said “I’m glad I didn’t do it that way cause I really didn’t want that” ?

That’s because another deeper level of you wanted something totally different than what you consciously wanted at that time. This is important, because deeper levels of you are attracting things that you may not consciously want.

Thinking positive and feeling positive for a few weeks or a few months may transform a great deal of things in your life, but there are varying degrees of attraction going on inside of you.

Some of those roots are deeper and therefore take a longer process to change. Using the law of attraction and practicing it to harness more of what you want is not a one time thing. It’s a lifestyle…a way of existing and being.

Now, this is not to say that it’s your fault that “bad” things happen to you…or that you find yourself in certain experiences that cause you pain. It’s nobody’s fault.

Let me say it again….IT’S NOBODY’S FAULT! But it IS your responsibility. There IS a difference.

Responsibility is a GOOD thing…it means POWER. It means You are no longer powerless over the events in your life. It means that whatever has been done to you can be UNDONE…and YOU can do it….by working with the law of attraction.

I recommend you going to the bottom of my blog and browsing through my books. The Law of attraction and mastering it will take all of your entire existence…in this life and the next, so it is vital that you take the time to read and study all you can on it.

Now that’s my take on it…. Feel free to take it and add your own twist to it

Until next time…..all the best to you!

Friday, June 1, 2007

What are you thankful for?

Part of knowing how to use the secret and understanding the law of attraction is getting into the attitude of gratitude. It is stopping each day on a regular basis and remembering what you are thankful for.

I myself am thankful for so many things, it would take years to list them all, probably an eternity. Of course I’m thankful and grateful for loving friends and family. I’m also thankful for my health, my state of mind, for understanding and becoming conscious of my responsibility, and that I am entirely responsible for everything in my existence.

I am also thankful to have met so many people like you that are interested in the law of attraction and how to harness it.

Today, while surfing online, I found a digital journal of gratitude. I think it’s really cool and neat. The goal is for 1 million people to enter the journal and state what they are thankful for. Check it out at http://www.digitaljournalofgratitude.com/

Thank you for coming to my blog! J
