Sunday, September 2, 2007

Law Of Attraction - Known Back In 60's

A lot of people that are new to the law of attraction may not be aware of an author by the name of Jane Roberts. She was an author who began to "channel" a personality by the name of "Seth". In 1963, Jane Roberts and her husband began mental experiments to learn more in the area of extra-sensory perception. What happened was a surprise to both of them, because she began to be able to speak for someone else.

Of course both of them were puzzled, and especially Jane Roberts. She did not believe in any of these things and the personality that began speaking through Jane Roberts talked about things such as reincarnation that she definitely did not believe in. At first, I thought that Jane Roberts was just another one of those strange people who try to make something out of nothing. But when I began reading the first book Seth Material, I realized that Jane Roberts was probably one of the most skeptical people about this whole channeling and "Seth" thing. They visited psychologists and other experts to see if this was really true.

She also was constantly trying to see if it was not just something coming from her own subconscious.

Regardless of whether or not Jane Roberts really did channel another entity called "Seth", the message "Seth" had to bring is truly fascinating. He talks about how your inner feelings create your outer reality, and although I don't think I ever saw the term "law of attraction" in any of the books I've read by Jane Roberts, it definitely is very much in alignment with what people are learning about the law of attraction today.

Of course the source, a person who channels an entity, would be discarded by many people. I admit it is a bit "out there", but I think that if you focus on the message and not how it got here, you'll really be amazed. Anyone wanting to know more about the law of attraction, and that is not afraid of exploring their own consciousness should definitely have a look at the Seth Material and Jane Roberts writings.

Law Of Attraction Site
High IQ University
Enigmatic Genius Society
Enigmatic High IQ Society