Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What is Money Consciousness?

There are all kinds of books, kits, DVDs and tapes you can buy that teach you how to attract wealth and money. Everyone's got their own twist to the way to get money. If you're not careful, you can end up spending thousands of dollars on "opportunities" and "promises".
First, before I get into the basics of allowing more money into your life and developing your money consciousness, I want to cover some of the things you want to avoid.

Many people start getting on this "high" after learning the law of attraction and they think that they have to think positive about all kinds of business "opportunities". This is an unbalanced state of mind, because you still have to be balanced. Just because you have learned the law of attraction and getting into the feeling of a positive state of mind does not mean that you fall for every get rich quick scheme the comes around. Also, there are many business opportunities that are legitimate, and people have made lots of money with them, but that does not mean that you need to jump on the band wagon. Why? Because getting into a money consciousness and attracting money into your life is more than just following a few directions, doing a few affirmations, or meditating on vision boards.

Let Me Break It Down To You

Attracting money into your life and developing your money consciousness is a life style. It is a state of existence. There are certain things that you will not escape, no matter how many hours you do affirmations and no matter how deep you get into the state of already having the money. This is the physical reality factor.As you've been told by The Secret Movie, there is a buffer of time between your thoughts and a physical manifestation. That buffer of time is different for every situation and for every individual. The trick to manifesting more money into your life as quickly as possible is a balance between an intensity of imagination and doing a physical action.

Boils down to the following

1. Intensity of vision, feeling and thought.
2. Action - not just any action, but the right action.

Napoleon Hill, in his book "Think & Grow Rich" says that Money consciousness means that your mind has become so thoroughly saturated with DESIRE for money, that you can see yourself already in possesion of it. And when you get to that point, you begin to do certain actions on an unconscious level that will lead you closer and closer to the things you're seeing inside.

Many people get stuck on the mental part. They think that they can just simply feel their way to it, and I'm here to tell you don't forget the physical aspect. You've got to do some kind of action.

But don't stress over what exactly you have to do. Start with what you already know and are good at and work from there. Each new answer will come to you in different ways, as long as you hold fast to the goal and the vision inside.

It doesn't have to be stressful, hard, or a struggle. But you must be able to master the art of both the mental and physical aspects of your existence to get the maximum results and develop your money consciousness accordingly.

In closing, I want to say that money is not everything in this life, it is just a symbol. Money is the symbol of friend to do new things, go to new places, and improve your life and the lives of others. We all should be thinking about money more often and thinking of ways to bring more money (freedom) into our lives and the lives of others.

Boost Your Money Consciousness With Law Of Attraction
High IQ University
Enigmatic Genius Society
Enigmatic High IQ Society