Positive Thinking - The First Step Into The Law Of Attraction
Positive thinking is the first step to make this world a better place. But there is however more to it. It is not enough to just think more positive. You actually need to learn about the great and wonderful law of attraction and how it really works.
The reason positive thinking hasn't worked for many is that it was just a thought. There was no feeling or emotion about it. If you're trying to think "I'm rich" and you're looking at your overdrawn bank statement or bills feeling bad, then positive thinking is annoying at best! It won't work like this.
We know from all the great minds that have existed and taught us that we need to learn how to think better or more positive. Jesus taught how to think more positive and he taught us importantly about how to love. Buddha taught us in essence the same thing.
Interestingly the greatest law of the universe, the law of attraction is also called the law of love.
This law has the highest vibration in this universe. Everything moves with the law of attraction. Everything responds to it. Most people do not know about this however. We see a lot of negative in this world. When people in this world can learn about the law of attraction and how it works and apply it – they can changes this world.
Thoughts are energy. The thoughts of many people equals a lot of energy. Mass energy is powerful.Mass events are happening because of mass energy.
Electricity is an energy we all know. It can do a lot of things. We can save millions of people for example with the help of electricity. Electricity on the other hand can also kill.
Energy is powerful but it needs to be controlled to benefit us.
The same is true with thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Thoughts need to be controlled to benefit someone. And yes, you CAN control your thoughts. It's a matter of practice.
Why for example did the second world war happen? Did people not learn from the horrible experience of the first world war?
Just stop a moment and think about this!
How could the second world war happen? Most of the people who have experienced the first world war were still alive at the time. How could masses of people be moved to plunge into another war trauma again?
The answer is simple. The law of attraction works every time and it is exact.
This is one example of the power of thought. You see the law of attraction responds to thoughts. It does however not make the selection of right and wrong thoughts. Of good or bad thoughts. It just responds to powerful thoughts.
Masses of people have responded to thoughts and ideas of a few people. It has been said that some of these people have been powerful or full of power.
Knowing the law of attraction this is not quite true. Their power started with powerful thoughts. Just like electricity thoughts can make things for the better and they can also kill.
Positive thinking is not enough. You have to learn how the law of attraction works and then learn to control thoughts and make them work for you and others.
We all can contribute when we change our thoughts. The law of attraction can be the key to true knowledge and happiness for all who let it. Learn more about this and how this law of the universe really works!
Law Of Attraction Site
High IQ University
Enigmatic Genius Society
Enigmatic High IQ Society