Saturday, July 14, 2007

My view of the Law of Attraction

I have seen some awesome changes in people's lives due to the "Secret" and them learning about the law of attraction. One of my friends, Rom, is in a wheel chair and has had a difficult life. He has had to deal with difficult and misunderstood medical conditions and has also come from an abusive childhood.

When I first got to know Rom, he was very depressed and angry. I did not tell him about what I was learning because I do not believe in having to convince others of it. You may disagree with me on this, and you personally may believe that if you are using the law of attraction, that you have to share it with as many people as possible. But I personally, think that if someone asks me about it I will freely share what I know and what has worked for me, but if they don't, then I won't.

I think everyone has the right to experience and live their life as they see fit in whatever situation they feel best or don't feel best. If someone is struggling or suffering and they choose not to believe in the law of attraction then this is their own right. The law of attraction is just a name given to something we ALL are constantly learning and improving on.

The definition of law of attraction to me is mastering your existence to the point where you always experience joy nonstop. Whether you call it law of attraction or something else, we are ALL continuously learning how to improve that, no matter if you're extremely poor and agonized or massively rich and happy.

There's always a higher point of feeling good, no matter how good you feel.

Anyway, getting back to my friend Rom. In time, he began to ask me about certain books I was reading and I shared with him. I have seen him change his personality and his out look tremendously. He's even had spurts of manifesting money seemingly overnight, and I asked to take notes from him.

I am amazed at his drive and determination to keep moving forward even when things can get tremendously difficult. It is very inspiring to me.

Here is a small article he wrote about the law of attraction. I thought you may like to read it :)

"What is the law of attraction?

Many people all over the world wonder how they can turn their lives around, how can they stop the downward spiral of poverty and lack? Well, what if there WAS a way, a scientific means by which you could get the things you want; unlimited wealth, love, friendship, anything you so desire?

The law of Attraction may be your answer. What is this Law of Attraction? To put it simply, it is the universal law of like attracts like.

This law of the universe is as concrete as the law of gravity, it cannot be circumvented or side-stepped. It just is. It does not judge, it just does. All of us are affected by this law, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Let me ask you this; do you notice that the things we fear and dread the most, happens to us? This is the law of attraction. Have you noticed that some people seen to be so lucky and others aren't? This too is the law of attraction.

How does the law of attraction actually work? It works like this, like attracts like. If you focus on positive things, positive thing will come to you, and the same is true of negative thoughts and emotions. The problem is that most of us have little to no real control of our thoughts and feelings. They are a jumbled mess, and that's why most of us don't realize our dreams. We must learn to focus our thoughts and emotions like a concentrated laser on a specific target. We must learn to shut out all negativity and doubt, and keep this beam of thought focused on out goals.

The universe is made up of energy, this energy vibrates at different frequencies. Everything is made up of energy, you, I and everything else around us is made up of energy, including our thoughts. Our thoughts become things. Buddha said, "What we are is the result of all that we have thought." Think about this for a moment. How is anything created? It is first conceived as a thought, then that thought becomes a thing as it is manifested in physical form.

What we focus on most is what will manifest in our physical reality, whether we are aware of it or not. But the key is how we focus, because just like in archery, we want our aim to hit the target.. And this is where THE SECRET comes in. This Secret is very ancient and it's principles are even in the Bible! The Law of Attraction is the secret. The secret is simply a way to harness the power of our thoughts and emotions to manifest anything we want! The universe is ready and waiting to grant us our every wish, all we must do now is learn to harness this creative power inherent inside each and every one of us to make our dreams a reality!

Think about it; to have the power to affect and control our destiny in ways you never thought of-- until now; to manifest, infinite wealth, health and love!

Learn what all the ancient great teachers knew and taught. ! Learn how to attune your subconscious with your intentions so that all that you desire can be yours!

Time to live the life of your dreams; NOW!" - Rom Johnson

Law Of Attraction Site
High IQ University
Enigmatic Genius Society
Enigmatic High IQ Society