General Motors has reached a milestone with its Chevy Sequel. The Chevy Sequel became the first electric fuel cell motor vehicle to achieve 300 miles on only one tank of hydrogen. And while it achieved 300 miles on one tank of hydrogen, it produced ZERO emissions! It actually emits water.
According to the news it said " The Chevrolet Sequel was introduced in 2005 at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit as the first vehicle in the world to successfully integrate a hydrogen fuel cell propulsion system. The first drivable version appeared last fall using lithium-ion batteries and a lightweight aluminum structure. It uses clean, renewable hydrogen as a fuel and emits only water vapor."
General Motors placed a test fleet of about 100 vehicles with customers as part of a deployment plan known as "Project Driveway". Project Driveway will start to gather market data of these test vehicles that used hydrogen as their fuel. The three target areas are California, New York City and Washington.D.C.
If this works out then there will definitely be a better way to fuel our vehicles and keep the environment clean.