Ever since I was a small kid I've always loved turtles. I don't know why, but I've always wanted pet water turtles. Unfortunately back then, it was illegal for pet stores to sell turtles where I lived due to the fact that they carry the Salmonella virus. This is a common thing in almost all reptiles such as turtles and snakes (I love snakes by the way as well!)
So anyway, a year or so ago, I passed by this pet store in the mall and saw that they had a ton of baby red eared sliders. These are water turtles that have little red markings on the sides of their head. Exactly the kind of turtle I used to dream of having as a kid!
They were the size of a small coin and I couldn't believe that they were selling them in the pet store! So I bought 4 of them. They all looked the same but I was really thrilled. I bought the whole kit; turtle filter, reptile lamp, special UV light, heaters to keep them at a healthy temperature, and aquarium. I also bought special vitamin fortified turtle food and reptile calcium for them to eat on for their growing shells.
So in a year's time they began to grow really fast and began to blossom into their own personalities. During all the times I spent caring and cherishing my pet turtles I never noticed the signs of love until I was reading a chapter on the Law of Love in one of Charles Haanel's Master Key Course Books. (By the way he's the man responsible for the inspiration of the HUGE Phenomenal Hit : The Secret Movie as featured on Larry King Live, USA Today, ABC and Oprah Show! If you haven't already gotten your hands on The Secret DVD you should Get It Here Now! As well as Napoleon Hill's Think And Grow Rich.)
That's when I began to see the "invisible" things that had been right there in front of me!
Right there on "Big Daddy's" belly shell was a heart! I couldn't believe it! What a synchronicity!
Just goes to show if you look for it....you can find love all around you :)
Ps. You can watch the first 20 minutes of The Secret Movie Here: